Basic Indonesian Phrases Every Beginner Should Know

Basic Indonesian Phrases Every Beginner Should Know

Indonesia is a beautiful and diverse country with thousands of islands, rich cultures, and warm hospitality. If you’re planning to visit or just starting to learn Bahasa Indonesia, knowing some basic phrases can be very helpful. Here are some essential Indonesian phrases that every beginner should know:

Greetings and Common Expressions

  1. Halo – Hello
  2. Selamat pagi – Good morning
  3. Selamat siang – Good afternoon
  4. Selamat sore – Good evening
  5. Selamat malam – Good night
  6. Apa kabar? – How are you?
  7. Baik, terima kasih – I’m good, thank you
  8. Sampai jumpa – See you later
  9. Selamat tinggal – Goodbye
  10. Terima kasih – Thank you
  11. Sama-sama – You’re welcome
  12. Maaf – Sorry/Excuse me
  13. Tolong – Please (asking for help)

Basic Conversations

  1. Siapa nama Anda? – What is your name?
  2. Nama saya … – My name is …
  3. Dari mana Anda berasal? – Where are you from?
  4. Saya dari … – I am from …
  5. Anda bisa berbahasa Inggris? – Do you speak English?
  6. Saya tidak mengerti – I don’t understand
  7. Bisa ulangi? – Can you repeat?

Numbers and Counting

  1. Satu – One
  2. Dua – Two
  3. Tiga – Three
  4. Empat – Four
  5. Lima – Five
  6. Enam – Six
  7. Tujuh – Seven
  8. Delapan – Eight
  9. Sembilan – Nine
  10. Sepuluh – Ten
  11. Sebelas – Eleven
  12. Dua belas – Twelve
  13. Tiga belas – Thirteen
  14. Empat belas – Fourteen
  15. Lima belas – Fifteen
  16. Enam belas – Sixteen
  17. Tujuh belas – Seventeen
  18. Delapan belas – Eighteen
  19. Sembilan belas – Nineteen
  20. Dua puluh – Twenty
  21. Dua puluh satu – Twenty one
  22. Tiga puluh – Thirty
  23. Tiga puluh satu – Thirty one
  24. Empat puluh – Fourty
  25. Empat puluh satu-Fourty one
  26. Lima Puluh – Fifty
  27. Lima Puluh Satu – Fifty one
  28. Enam puluh – Sixty
  29. Enam puluh satu – Sixty one
  30. Tujuh puluh – Seventy
  31. Tujuh puluh satu – Seventy one
  32. Delapan puluh – Eighty
  33. Delapan puluh satu – Eighty one
  34. Sembilan puluh – Ninety
  35. Sembilan puluh satu – Ninety one
  36. Seratus – One hundrad
  37. Seratus satu – One hundrad and one
  38. Seribu – One thousand
  39. Seribu satu – One thousand and one
  40. Satu juta – One million
  41. Satu juta satu – One million and one
  42. Satu miliar – One billion
  43. Satu miliar satu – One billion and one
  44. Satu triliun – One trillion
  45. Satu triliun satu – One trillion and one

Asking for Directions

  1. Di mana …? – Where is …?
  2. Bagaimana cara pergi ke …? – How do I get to …?
  3. Belok kanan – Turn right
  4. Belok kiri – Turn left
  5. Lurus terus – Go straight ahead
  6. Berapa jauh dari sini? – How far is it from here?

Shopping and Dining

  1. Berapa harganya? – How much does it cost?
  2. Bisa lebih murah? – Can it be cheaper?
  3. Saya mau membeli ini – I want to buy this
  4. Ada menu dalam bahasa Inggris? – Do you have an English menu?
  5. Saya ingin pesan … – I want to order …
  6. Makanan ini enak! – This food is delicious!


  1. Tolong bantu saya! – Please help me!
  2. Saya butuh dokter – I need a doctor
  3. Saya tersesat – I’m lost
  4. Panggil polisi! – Call the police!
  5. Di mana rumah sakit terdekat? – Where is the nearest hospital?

Learning these basic phrases will make your experience in Indonesia much smoother and more enjoyable. Don’t be afraid to practice speaking with locals—they will appreciate your effort and might even help you improve! Selamat belajar (Happy learning)!

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